This endowment supports Milner Gardens & Woodland in the long term. During challenging periods it helps provide financial support to keep the gardens and woodland strong for the continued enjoyment and benefit of our community. When the economy is strong this fund provides resources to help take care of the many needed upgrades for the long term health of the aging house and other priority projects and programs.
This fund was initiated by a generous legacy gift from Dr. Craig and Joyce Clarke. Over the years, Craig and Joyce have played a significant role in the evolution of Milner Gardens & Woodland and we are extremely grateful to them both for thinking of the wellbeing of the gardens into the future. Craig had been the Milner Gardens & Woodland Society’s chair, chair of the Site Committee, member of the Rhododendron Species Garden Advisory Group, initiator of the Phenology Monitoring project at Milner Gardens, and BBQer of Christmas Magic hotdogs.
Joyce would very much like to see the fund continue to grow and increase its impact on the future of Milner Gardens.
Please make a donation below or contact Geoff Ball for the many giving options to the Milner Gardens & Woodland Legacy Endowment or support one of the many funds that ensure the preservation and growth of Milner Gardens and Woodland. Donations of shares, RRSP’s, RRIF’s, mutual funds, property and other gifts in kind are gratefully accepted. We would be happy to discuss how you can make a difference today, tomorrow or in the future.