VIU Milner Gardens and Woodland

Ways to Give

It is only with the generous support of donors that Milner Gardens & Woodland is able to be enjoyed by thousands each year, to educate children in the importance of the natural world and to preserve the magical forest and garden for generations to come.

If you enjoy the gardens and wish to ensure their success please think of lending your support.

Donate Now

A gift made to Milner Gardens & Woodland is a great way to support support the gardens and our programming. You can make a one-time gift, or a recurring monthly gifts. Giving options include:

Online - Donations can made online (by designation Milner Gardens & Woodland) 

Donor form or cheque - complete a donor form and either drop it off at the Welcome Interpretive Centres or mail it to Milner Gardens & Woodland at:

Milner Gardens & Woodland
2179 W Island Hwy
Qualicum Beach BC
V9K 1G1

Please make cheques payable to Milner Gardens and Woodland Society.

Charitable Registration # 88733 3482 RR0001

Your estate plan decisions are unique to your interests and financial situation. Let us help you develop your legacy at Milner. Some options include:

Bequest | RRSP and RRIF | Annuity and Trust | Other

Geoff Ball,, 250.740.6380

Making a gift in memory of a loved one or to honour an accomplishment or milestone is a meaningful way to create a lasting legacy at Milner. We would love to help you through the process.

Geoff Ball,, 250.740.6380

Become a sponsor of Milner Christmas Magic and help 10,000 of our community members celebrate the festive season  at Milner Gardens & Woodland.

Geoff Ball,, 250.740.6380

You want to support Milner by giving tangible items that can be used by the staff and students. That's wonderful! Some options include:

  • 6 seat shuttle cart
  • Utility trailer
  • LED Christmas lights in good condition
  • Extension cords in good condition

Geoff Ball,, 250.740.6380

Milner Gardens & Woodland has continually evolved over the years with new gardens, enhancement, and major renovations being undertaken on an ongoing basis. There is still much to do to ensure the long term health of the gardens and buildings, as well as improve what the site has to offer our community. 

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Revenue Canada has now removed the capital gains tax on gifts of qualified stock to charities, making this an even more attractive way to give. Let us help you navigate the process.

Geoff Ball,, 250.740.6380

Payroll Deduction

Milner and VIU employees can contribute on a monthly basis to Milner through a payroll deduction.

You can now sign up for payroll deduction through the Employee Portal. Instructions about how to sign up for payroll deduction through your employee portal.