VIU Milner Gardens and Woodland

Leave a Legacy

Donations and Legacies

It is only with the generous support of donors that Milner Gardens & Woodland is able to be enjoyed by thousands each year, to educate children in the importance of the natural world and to preserve the magical forest and garden for generations to come.

If you enjoy the gardens and wish to ensure their success please think of lending your support.


Donate online (by designation Milner Gardens & Woodland) or fill out a donor form and either drop it off at the Welcome Interpretive Centre or mail it to Milner Gardens & Woodland at:

Milner Gardens & Woodland
2179 W Island Hwy
Qualicum Beach BC
V9K 1G1

Consider Leaving a Legacy

Hel Preserve a Piece of Heaven Here on Earth

"As a Friend of the Garden, in an increasingly hectic world, I want to help in some small way to preserve this oasis of beauty and tranquility.”

Georgian McLean, Past Manager QB Chamber of Commerce, Legacy Circle Member

Our Leave A Legacy program focuses on building stable, long term funding to ensure this unique property continues to be preserved and maintained for future generations to enjoy.

Your pledge helps to ensure the future of Milner Gardens & Woodland and guarantees your legacy will remain in the hearts and minds of those that come to enjoy this special Island paradise.

Your endowment includes membership into the Legacy Circle program where you will be recognized at our annual Legacy Circle Reception. The event is held in honour of our Legacy Circle members and acknowledges your commitment to the Gardens, the community and beyond.

Leaving a Legacy is Easy

There are a variety of ways in which you can leave your legacy.

  • Prepare a will. Without a will you may lose  control over your property after death. Your property and  finances are settled according to provincial laws whether or not they coincide with you and your family's wishes.

  • Leave a bequest in your will for Milner Gardens and Woodland Society to preserve and enhance the Gardens for future generations. This can be done by leaving a specific dollar amount, a percentage of the assets in the will or a specific investment in a portfolio.

  • Name Milner Gardens and Woodland Society as a beneficiary of your RRSP, RRIF or pension.

  • Name Milner Gardens and Woodland Society as a beneficiary of an existing or paid-up life insurance policy.

Encourage family and friends to leave a gift to Milner Gardens and Woodland Society in their will also.

Plan Your Legacy Today

"I sat staring, staring, staring – half lost, learning a new language or rather the same language in a different dialect. So still were the big woods where I sat, sound might not yet have been born.”

Emily Carr