The BC Council of Garden Clubs represents 200 garden clubs, allotment and community gardens in BC. The Council hosts an Annual General Meeting in the Spring and a General Meeting in the Fall. This provides an opportunity for member clubs to meet and exchange information, renew acquaintances and listen to great speakers on a number of topics relating to horticulture.
Here is a listing of local garden club and community events including cancellations due to COVID-19:
Alpine Gardeners of Central Vancouver Island
Meeting cancelled: March 30, 2020 at 1pm (doors open at 12:30pm)
Qualicum Beach Civic Centre, 747 Jones Street, Qualicum Beach
Guest fee of $5. All are welcome.
Speaker: Richard Hebda from the RBC Museum will be speaking on snowdrops, related bulbs and native plants.
There will be snowdrops (green not just a bulb) available for sale.
Due to the public health concerns of COVID-19, the Brant Wildlife Festival has been cancelled.
Thank you to all of the event organizers and volunteers who work so hard to put on this festival each year!
Eaglecrest Garden Club
All Meetings of the Eaglecrest Garden Club have been postponed until further notice.
This includes the Plant Sale that was to be held in April.
Meeting cancelled: April 9, 2020 at 2pm
St. Stephen's Church Hall, 150 Village Way, Qualicum Beach
Guest fee $6.00.
"Have a Go at a stretch design."
For info: Deanne at 250-752-1858.
Mount Arrowsmith Rhododendron Society (MARS)
Meeting cancelled: April 15, 2020 at 7:30pm
Qualicum Beach Civic Centre, 747 Jones Street, Qualicum Beach
Visitors welcome.
Speaker: Lionel de Rothschild - Exbury Gardens.
Nanaimo Horticultural Society (NHS)
Nanaimo Horticulture Society Facebook post: "all meetings are CANCELLED until further notice, be safe and stay well!"
Meeting cancelled: April 14, 2020 at 7:30pm (doors open at 6:45pm)
Florence Filberg Centre, Courtenay BC
Non-member entry fee $5.
Speaker: Lionel de Rothschild - “Exbury Gardens – 100 Years.”
Meeting cancelled: April 14, 2020 at 7:30pm (doors open at 7pm)
Qualicum Beach Civic Centre, 747 Jones Street, Qualicum Beach
Guest fee: $3.
Speaker: Chanchal Cabrera ~ Garden Plants as Healing Allies.
St. Mark's Fair
Cancelled: July 25, 2020
Qualicum Beach
The Vancouver Island Rock and Alpine Garden Society
The annual Spring Flower Show and Sale scheduled for April 28, 2020 is cancelled.