VIU Milner Gardens and Woodland

Plant Pick: Bleeding heart

Latin name: Dicentra 'King of Hearts'

Article by the Vancouver Island Master Gardeners Association

bleeding heart plant

Dicentra is a genus consisting of 20 or more species of annual and perennial herbaceous plants common to moist, woodland areas in North America and Asia. ‘King of Hearts’ is a hybrid cultivar from a cross of the Japanese species D. peregrina with two American species D. formosa subsp oregana and D. eximia. The goal was to produce a robust and compact plant with a long flowering period complete with striking flower colour and blue-grey foliage.

Attribute Description

Dissected, compound


Deeply cut, fern-like bluish-green feathery leaves


25 cm tall, .5 m wide

Hardiness Zone:

Zone 3


Sheltered, partial shade

Flower shape and colour:


Leaf colour:


Flower time:

Spring to early fall

Preferred soil and watering:

Prefers rich, fertile soil. Medium moisture, well-drained soil. Do not let soil dry out.

Pests and diseases:

Deadheading will promote additional blooms. Propagation by division in early spring or after the leaves have died down. All parts of the Dicentra may cause stomach upset if ingested. Handling of the plant may cause skin irritation. Wearing gloves is recommended. The plant is also toxic to dogs, cattle and sheep. No serious pest or diseases noted. Slugs and snails can be problematic with tender new growth. Deer and rabbit resistant. Great plant for woodland garden sites, beds, borders and under planting shrubs.